Update! Appliance Research: Chest Freezers
March 9, 2010 – 9:48 am | Comments Off on Update! Appliance Research: Chest Freezers

The decision (and purchase) has been made! In an earlier post (“Appliance Upgrade Research: Chest Freezers”), I checked to see if the chest freezers listed on the EnergyStar site were still offered by each of the manufacturers

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Free Microsoft Office Live Hosted Website and Domain (repost)

Submitted by on May 28, 2006 – 4:24 pmNo Comment

Taken from TwistedStudent.com

As part of it's online live beta testing period, http://officelive.microsoft.com is offering three (initially free) packages. After the beta period, only the basic offering will remain free — although from what I've seen so far, they've bundled a lot of functionality behind a user friendly interface. Gone are the days of handcoding HTML (not that I minded them, WordPress just happened to be a much better alternative). =)

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